2024 Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country Championships

Date:  Tues 2 July ppmt Thurs 4 July

Venue:  Queen Elizabeth 2 Park, Paekakariki/Raumati South

(The McKays Crossing/US Memorial/Trams Entrance off Transmission Gully SH1 road)

Organising Associations:  Kapiti and Parumoana

Congratulations to Parumona and Kapiti Associations on the organisation of this year's Regional Cross Country Championships.

Well done to ALL PSW athletes who raced on Thursday.  Some superb results from the PSW athletes.

Able bodied Year 5 - 8 athletes who placed in the top 10 in your respective races please adhere to the time lines for the letter received in th efinish chute and I wish you all the very best for your Inter Regional Cross Country experience.

Click here to view ALL PSW athlete results.

Sincere gratitude to all the volunteers who assist with the smooth running of these Regional sporting opporuntiies and  events.

Primary Sport Wellington would like to acknowledge the funding received from the Lion Foundation to offer and support it's 6 respective zone and PSW Inter Zone Cross Country  meets.  Without this crucial funding PSW would not be able to identify and field the  athletes at the Regional Cross Country Races. 

​​​​​​​PLEASE NB a decision has been made by the organising associations to POSTPONE the Regional Cross Country unitl Thursday 4 July.  

Expected Associations: Masterton Schools Sports Cluster, South Wairarapa Schools Sports Cluster, Upper Valley Primary Schools Sports Association, Lower Hutt Primary Schools Sports Association, Kapiti Schools Sports Association, Parumoana Schools Sports Cluster, Porirua Schools Sports Cluster, Wellington Regional Intermediate Schools Sports Association and Primary Sport Wellington.

Important to NB while an athlete may be running in their school’s sports uniform, each athlete is representing their respective association and invited athletes should have qualified at their respective association event in order to compete at this regional event. ONLY athletes that have been registered by their respective association will be permitted to race at this event NO individual school entries will be accepted. Each recognised association is restricted to a maximum of 10 athletes per year level and gender Students must be in Years 4 – 8.

This event is NOT open to Year 3 students.

Races take place on the existing Queen Elizabeth Park cross country tracks, hence the specific distance

Click here for expected PSW athletes 

​​​​​​​Click here for updated course maps


Click here for race programme and timing's for the day 

Click here for Associations conditions of entry

Click here for Race Rules 

​​​​​​​Click here for Inter Regional Team selection and dispensation process

2023 Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country Championships

Date:  Tues 27 June ppmt Thurs 29 June

Venue:  Solway Show Grounds, Masterton

Organising Associations:  Masterton and South Wairarapa

Sincere message of appreciation to ALL of the PSW who raced at the Regional Cross Country Championships in Masterton on Thursday.  Fantastic day of races at the Solway Showgrounds.  The weather conditions were idea, sunny and no wind, on a course that was wet under foot in places.  

HUGE thank you to Emily Draper (Masterton Schools Sports Association) and Nicola Rodgers (South Wairarapa Schools Sports Associations) for hosting and all the work behind the scenes to make this event happen on behalf of the Regional Primary and Intermediate Schools Sports Committee and for the tamariki in this region.

Primary Sport Wellington (PSW) would like to thank and acknowledge the Lion Foundation for their generous grant to PSW , without this funding Primary Sport Wellington would not be able to support the smooth running or and attend these regional sporting  events.

Congratulations to all the PSW Year 5 - 8 able bodied athletes who placed in the top 10 on receiving a letter in the finish chute to potentially be a part of a wider Wellington Region Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country team to compete in Christchurch against athletes from South Canterbury, Canterbury and Tasman cross country athletes in term 3.  Keep up the training everyone.

​​​​​​​Click here for ALL PSW athlete results 

Click here for PSW athletes who placed in top 10

Click here for FULL athlete results (updated)

Photos were taken at the Regional XC event by Debbie Hunt.  Digital images are $5 each.  Email Debbie directly to view the photos taken.  debbiehuntphotography@gmail.com

​​​​​​​Message from the Inter Regional Cross Country Management Team below.  Important to NB PSW is NOT involved with the organisation OR selection of athletes for this team.  Read the extract below and send any queries directly to the email below and they will respond with you directly.

Inter Regional XC selection:  We are aware that there were a number of TOP cross country athletes that were unable to run for a variety of reasons i.e concussions, injuries, COVID either contracting it or under home isolation.  PLEASE READ the following extract CAREFULLY :

The Letter this year contained the following extract."As a result of achieving a top 10 placing, your child will be considered for invitation to represent Wellington at the ‘Primary and Intermediate Inter-Regional Cross Country Championships’ held in Christchurch later this year.Although selection into the Wellington team will be largely based on the result at the Regional event, we do have a dispensation process in place for those athletes that fall into the following categories and would like to be considered for the team.

  • Medical grounds (dr certificate provided)
  • Covid
  • Compassion

These athletes will be considered for the team on the basis of recent race performances together with input from our team Coaches

To register a child's interest for selection into the team, please include the following details asap (through your association). Ideally by the end of today!  

The association will forward in batch to

E-mail: 2022WellingtonTeam@gmail.com


  • Childs Name 
  • School Year Group 
  • Gender 
  • Rationale for selection

A reason for missing the regional event and a medical certificate must be provided.

Please note selection will be based at the discretion of the Organisation committee and we are restricted in numbers due to the size and logistics of the travelling party.

CONFIRMING the Regional Cross Country will be held Thursday 29 June.

Last minute advisements: ​​​​​​​

  • Parking via Fleet St entrance is wet so please let your schools/parents to park here at their own risk. There will be a tractor on standby if anyone does get stuck. Otherwise, there is plenty of parking on the surrounding streets. Judds Rd entrance will ONLY be for AWS and officials.
  • Don't bring gazebos, there is no room for them and there is plenty of undercover seating in the grandstand
  • Any last min changes/ scratching to your entries please let me know by 4pm today. 
  • The grounds are very wet and boggy all-round the course, therefore, spikes are recommended or even tell your runners to tape their shoes on and to bring a change of warm clothes. 


A decision has been made by the organising Associations to postpone the Regional Cross Country event until Thursday 29 June due to due to the heavy rain forecasted for all day Tuesday.  Thursday is looking like a much nicer day for the event for EVERYONE involved. 

​​​​​​​ALL other information for this event remains the same.

Congratulations to ALL Primary Sport Wellington athletes who placed in the top 10 at the PSW Inter Zone Cross Country meet.  You have been registered to represent PSW at the Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country Championships.

YOU must race in your school sports uniform as this makes identifying who you are for result recording a lot quicker.

Athletes are to organise their own transport arrangements to and from the venue. 

IMPORTANT:  The organising associations South Wairarapa and Masteton are advising to allow a minimum of 30 - 45 min extra travel time.  This is due to major road works occuring between Featherston and Masterton with speed limits lowered to 80kms for sections of the road.  Please factor this into your travel times as I would hate for your chilld(ren) to miss their race.  I would advise to allow a minimum of an extra hour to your travel time in order to reduce any anxiety and allow sufficient time to relax and warm up for your race.


Click here  Expected and registered PSW Athletes


Click here for ALL different Year level course maps

Click here for Race programme (Please NB times are indicative ONLY.  The Event Organisers reserve the right to bring the programme forward by up to 20mins dependent upon weather conditions.

2022 Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country Championships

Date:  Tues 5 July, ppmt Thurs 7 July

Venue:  Harcourt Park, Upper Hutt

Well done to ALL PSW athletes who raced at the Regional Cross Country Champiosnhips.  I was very pleased with how you all raced.  With 33 PSW athletes placing in the top 10 in their respective races and 10 top 3 placing's.

Congratulations to all athletes and thank you for represnting this association so well at the Regional Cross Country Championship.

A sincere message of appreciation of thanks to Jordan Price (WRISSA representative) who organised this years Regional Cross Country and to my fellow volunteer Association Leads. Thank you this group in particular who took on key roles and organised the  necessary volunteers to hold this event in order for the children to be able to race.

Click here for FULL race results 

Regional Cross Country will proceed as scheduled on Tuesday 5 July.

​​​​​​​I look forward to seeing ALL PSW athletes at the event, happy racing and I look forward to seeing everyone's your results.  "Go hard but play FAIR PSW athletes!!!"

Primary Sport Wellington is pleased to advise that should New Zealand remain in orange traffic light settings with the current guidelines of NO restrictions with public gathering numbers for outdoor setttings that the Regional Cross Country Championships will be able to proceed for a full quota of athletes (Years 4 - 8) from the 9 Associations within the Greater Wellington Region.  Spectators and supporters will also be able to attend.

Please NB athletes, officials and spectators are encouraged to wear a facemask and maintain social distancing when not racing.

The 2022 Regional Cross Country Championships is being organised by the Wellington Regional Intermediate Schools Sports Association (WRISSA) and supported by Activation Upper Hutt and the volunteer members of the Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Association.  

ALL information for this event will come directly from your respective Assocaition Lead.  Important to NB Primary Sport Wellington is responsible for communicating to its member schools which fall within the Wellington City Council boundaries only.

Course length is approximately 1km.

Year 4's and AWS athletes: complete 1 lap.

Year 5 & 6's: 2 laps

Year 7 & 8's: 3 laps 

Click here   List of expected and registered athletes to represent PSW


Click here for course maps 

Click here for Race programme 

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT:  Due to the Greater Wellington region going to COVID 19, Level 2 restrictions the 2021 Regional Cross Country Championships has been CANCELLED by the Regional Committee. 

Important to NB The decision to cancel the Regional Cross Country event  is NOT a Primary Sport Wellington decision.

Please address any concerns directly with your Association Lead in the first instance for how the decision was reached.  Any concerns from parents or athletes from a PSW membership school needs to come through the school that your child attends.

PSW will await the govenrment announcement on Monday 28 June and advise the respective associations whether it will be offering the PSW Invitational Cross Country event in it's place  of the Regional Cross Country event and under which level restrictions.

Information will be posted AFTER Monday 28 June on the PSW events page.

2021 Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country Championships

Date:  Tues 6 July, ppmt Thurs 8 July

Venue:  Grenada North Park  

Primary Sport Wellington is very pleased to be organising the Regional Cross Country Championships at Grenada North Park on behalf of the Regional Committee.

Please NB this event will be offered as a Regional Cross Country Champiosnhips if this region is under COVID 19,  Level 1 restrictions, at the time of the race.

If this region is under COVID 19,  Level 2 restrictions, at the time of the race then this race opportunity will be offered and promoted as the PSW Invitational Race and ALL athletes wishing to race will need to register with PSW directly. as your respective association may not promote this race opportiunity.  A Separate race fee will apply. 

Level 1 Regional Race Programme:

Click here for Level 1 Race programme 

Click here for Year 4 and AWS course 

Click here for Year 5 & 6 course

Click here for Years 7 & 8 course 

​​​​​​​Click here for PSW Invitational Race programme  PLEASE NB this will only be offered if the region is under Level 2 COVID 19 restrictions 

2020 Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country Championships

Date:  Tues 8 Sept, ppmt Thurs 10 Sept 

Venue:  Harcourt Park  

A majority decision has been reached by the Regional Committee to CANCEL the 2020 Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country Championships in 2020 due to current COVID-19 and difficulty to adhere to level 2 restrictions at Harcourt Park.

Unfortunately with the uncertainty of which level NZ will be in and timing of the next government announcement scheduled 6 September a decision has been made.​​​​​​​


2020 Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country Championships

Date:  Tues 8 Sept, ppmt Thurs 10 Sept 

Venue:  Harcourt Park  

​​​​​​​Planning and organisation for the 2020 Greater Wellington Primary and Intermediate Schools Cross Country Championships has been underway since term 1, but will only be able to be offered if public gathering numbers rise to 500 or greater.  A final decision will be made on 18 August as to whether this event will proceed.  Each member school from the 9 associations will then be advised of the decision.

Dependent upon where you sit fortunately or unfortunatley the lines and conditions are changing on us on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly basis and therefore people are asked to be patient and comply with final event planning.  

Click here or possible scenarios