Primary Sport Wellington (PSW) was established in June 2004, inconjunction with Sport Wellington Region, and has a membership of 63 schools which fall within the Wellington City Council boundaries only.  NB intermediate school's which fall within the Wellington City Council are not a part of it's member school's.

The 63 school's are split into 6 geographical based zones:  Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern, Tawa and Western Zone.  PSW works closely with the Zone Convenors for each respective zone.

PSW supports it's membership with providing advice, leadership and support at Zone participation and Zone progression events such as Cross Country, Swimming and Athletics events.

PSW organises the PSW Inter Zone tier of competition for these athletes and athletes may progress on to a regional tier of competition against their peers from primary schools' across the Greater Wellington Region for cross country and athletics events.

PSW offers and organises participation event to it's membership.  Since 2017 PSW has partnered with Capital Football and offered FUTSAL Festivals.  Open to Years 1 - 8, and these have proved to be very popular with 250 teams registering in 2021, across 2  separate days of FUTSAL.

Since it's inception Primary Sport Wellington has only had two Director of Sports.  Alison Lavin June 2004 - Dec 2015 and Garry Szeto, Dec 2015 - present.  The Director of Sport role is only a .5 FTE position.

Greater Wellington Regional Primary and Intermediate Schools Sports Committee:

PSW is a member of the Greater Wellington Regional Primary and Intermediate Schools Sports Committee who currently organise and offer regional tier of competition for these athletes.  The Regional Committee comprises of 9 Associations extending from Masterton across to Kapiti and down to Wellington.   While PSW is the largest association it has the same voting rights as each of the other 8 assciations and respects and follows the decisions made by the Regional Committee.

ALL contact and communication for those which fall outside of the PSW membership should be addressed to the school the child attends and/or to the appropriate association lead.

Important to NB:

At this tier of competition the Assocition Leads are all VOLUNTEERS, none of the association leads have a mandate to offer and organise regional events.

PSW is NOT responsible for providing sports opportunities to those outside of it's membership unless it is tasked with organising the regional event.

PSW has NO jurisdiction or influence on how, what or when the other association organise their sporting events to their member schools.  

PSW does not own any facilities and therefore has no influence on ground closures.